Five feet four. Why?
Oh, just wondering.
What did you do in college?
Study physical education?
Chemical engineering.
Did a little bike riding, though.
Motorcycles. Flat tracks, county fairs.
Picked up a buck here and there.
- Helped pay my tuition.
- I did a wee bit of racing myself.
- In Scotland.
- Bikes?
No, horse racing. Jockey.
Are you there, Hilts?
Yeah, I'm here.
Don't you have them in the States?
They were the days. Saturday nights
in towns like Musselburgh and Hamilton.
You had to fight off the birds.
You know, birds.
Girls, man. Girls.
Do you not have them in the States?
Are you there, Hilts?
You know the kind of clay and gravel
we got here in the compound?
How many feet do you think
you could get through in eight hours?
I could go through this dirt here
like the bit on an end of an auger.
But you know it's not the digging.
It's the shoring up with wood
and getting the dirt out -
that's what you've to worry about.
No, it isn't, Ives.
You don't have to worry about that.
How are you going to get the dirt out?
- What do they call a mole in Scotland?
- A mole.
Well, what do you think?