All right.
Say when, lad.
Have you had any schooling?
- Oh, yes!
I'm training to be a squire.
I'm learning the rules of combat
and swordsmanship and...
and jousting
and horsemanship.
Oh, yes, yes, very good.
That's, that's...
No, no, no, l...
I mean a, a, a real education.
Mathematics. History.
Biology. Natural science.
English. Latin. French.
No. When! When!
Blast it all! When!
Impudent piece of crockery.
Boy, now, you can't...
You can't grow up without
a decent education, you know.
Oh, I suppose not, sir...
So, I am going to be
your tutor.
But I've got to get back to the castle.
They'll want me in the kitchen.
Oh, well.
Then very well.
We'll pack and
be on our way.
You... You watch now.
You'll like this.
Higitus figitus
zumba ka zing.
I want your attention,
We're packing to leave.
Come on. Let's go.
No, no, not you. Books are
always first, you know.
Hockety pockety wockety whack
Abra abra dabra nack
Shrink in size very small
We've got to save enough room for all
Higitus figitus migitus mum
Alika fez, balika zez
Malaca mez meripedes