Yes, it is rather.
Now, well...
don't, don't you get any foolish ideas
that magic will solve all your problems.
Because it won't!
- But, sir, I don't have any problems.
Oh, bah, everybody's got problems.
The world is full of problems.
Oh, blast it all!
There, now. You see what I mean?
See, that's the trouble
with the world today.
Everybody butting their heads against a
brick wall. All muscle and no mentality.
Do you want to be
all muscle and no brain?
I don't have any muscle.
- You don't? Well, how do you move about?
Oh, I suppose l,
I do have a little.
Aha. There, you see. Well, that's
enough. Now, develop your brain.
Knowledge, wisdom. There's
the real power. Higher learning.
That's the thing.
So, first thing tomorrow morning,
we'll start a full schedule.
Eight hours a day. We'll have six hours
for schoolroom and two for study period.
But l... I don't have the time.
I have page duties.
Uh, page duties? Ha!
Ah, well, we'll change all that.
There's got to be a shake-up.
Well, yes, sir.
I, I suppose so.
How do you ever expect to amount
to anything without an education?
Even in these bungling,
backward, medieval times...
you have got to know
where you're going, don't you?
Ye... Yes, sir.
Yes, of course. So, you must
plan for the future, boy.
You've got to find a direction.
And you've...
Now, by the by, what direction
is this castle of yours?
I think it's north.
The other way.
Oh, oh.
All right, then we better get a move on.
Come on, lad.Pick up the pace.
Pick it up.
Pick it up.