That's the guest room.
It's a bit drafty in the winter...
but in this blazing hot weather,
it's the best room in the house.
Oh, yes.
Very lovely indeed.
So just make yourself
at home, Marvin.
Marvin, Marvin,
Marvin, Marvin.
Best room in the house!
Guest room!
Unwelcome-guest room!
But if he thinks that he can get rid of
me, I've got news for that old walrus.
I'm sticking it out.
- And I say we go back to the woods.
No, not on your life.
That boy's got to have an education.
He has a future.
Well, you may be right.
A skinny kid like that would make
a cracking good chimney sweep.
Something tells me that
you're all wet, Archimedes.
Who goes there?
- Pelinore!
It's Pelinore, dash it all!
I've got big news from London.
Big news!
Come on, man.
Drop the bridge.
Oh, big news, eh?
They can't wait for the London Times. First
edition won't be out for at least...
1200 years.
Archimedes, would you mind
sailing down there and, and...
Not interested!
Oh, come, come, come, come now.
You're as wet as you can get.
No! No, no, no!