Shall we settle this now, or do you intend
making me late for the recital?
We can't just fire her.
She has given us no cause.
Cause? We are up to our necks
in dead bodies.
What are you waiting for?
The last act of Hamlet?
If you compare our household
with a Shakespearean tragedy,
I suggest that Macbeth
would be more appropriate.
Oh, darling, my cue ball.
That was Mme Ballon.
Follow her. When you have discovered
her destination, call me immediately.
(Maurice) lnspector Clouseau.
- Good evening, M Ballon.
- Good evening, lnspector.
There are one or two questions
l'd like to ask.
- Of course.
- Some points need clearing up.
Certainly. Do you play billiards?
Billiards. Yes, l have played
some billiards in my time.
I find it makes for a more relaxed and
friendly conversation. How about you?
- Yes.
- Take a cue.
Ah. A cue. Yes.
That should do.
- That's strange.
- You'd be better with an ordinary cue.
- That's what we call a bridge.
- Ah, the bridge cue, yes.
Yes, l much prefer the good,
old-fashioned, plain cue.
Yes, yes.
Oh, l'm most terribly sorry.
I'm dreadfully sorry.
That's all right.
I've broken a few in my time.
Try this one. This is my favourite cue.