Oh, yes. Yes!
Hello! Hello!
You must be Paco!
Welcome! Welcome!
How long have you been
waiting out here?
Not long, I hope.
Come in, come in.
Isabel, let's have some breakfast
for the son of José Dages!
Do you know who this is?
- My father.
- And that's me.
My father was young.
Everybody was young in those days.
You know him?
Everyone who loves Spain
and freedom should know who that is.
Manuel Artiguez, my father's friend.
Do you know him?
Yes, I know him.
Do you know where he lives?
He lives near your uncle in Pau,
in the Spanish street.
Why has he stopped
making raids into Spain?
For 20 years he's gone over
four, five times a year.
He's made a fool of Captain Vinolas
and all his police.
How I wish he would
come back one day...
...and kill Vinolas for
murdering my father.
No. He won't go again.
His heart has gone out of him.
They say at home, in San Martin...
...Manuel will always come back
when he's needed.