Dr. Strangelove

- Areyou certain?
- I'm absolutely positive.

What ifit is true?
I'm afraid I'm still not with you, sir,
because I mean...

ifa Russian attack
was not in progress...

then your use of Plan R-- In fact,
your orders to the entire Wing--

I would say, sir, that there was
something dreadfullywrong somewhere

Why don'tyou take it easy,
Group Captain?

Please make me a drink
ofgrain alcohol and rainwater...

and helpyourself
to whateveryou'd like.

General Ripper, sir, as an officer
in Her Majesty's Air Force...

it is my clear duty
under the present circumstances...

to issue the recall code upon my
own authority and bring back the Wing.

Ifyou'll excuse me, sir.
Sir, I must askyou for the key and the
recall code. Haveyou got them handy?

I told you to take it easy,
Group Captain.

There's nothing anybody can do now.
I'm the only person who knows
the three-letter code group.

I must insist
thatyou give them to me!

Do I take it, sir, you are threatening
a brother officerwith a gun?

Mandrake, I suppose
it never occurred toyou...

that while we're chatting here
so enjoyably...

a decision is being made
by the president...

and thejoint chiefs in the War Room
at the Pentagon.

When they realize there is
no possibility ofrecalling the Wing...
