Dr. Strangelove

and the international
Communist conspiracy...

to sap and impurify...
all ofour precious
bodily fluids.

Staines, is everybody here?
Mr. President, the secretary ofstate
is in Vietnam.

The secretary ofdefense is in Laos, and
the vice president is in Mexico City.

We can establish contact with them at
anytime. The undersecretaries are here.

Right. General Turgidson,
what's going on?

Mr. President...
about 35 minutes ago...
GeneralJack Ripper,
the commanding general...

of Burpelson Air Force Base...
issued an order to the 34 B-52s
ofhis Wing...

which were airborne at the time...
as part ofa special exercise we were
holding called Operation Dropkick.

It appears that the order
called for the planes...

to attack their targets
inside Russia.

The planes are fully armed
with nuclearweapons...

with an average load
of40 megatons each.

The central display of Russia will
indicate the position ofthe planes.

The triangles
are their primary targets.

The squares
are their secondary targets.

The aircraft will begin penetrating
Russian radar coverwithin 25 minutes.

General Turgidson, I find this
very difficult to understand.

I understood I was the only one
to order the use ofnuclearweapons.

That's right, sir. You are
the only person authorized to do so.

And although I hate tojudge
before all the facts are in...

it's beginning to look like
General Ripper exceeded his authority.

It certainly does, far beyond the point
I would have imagined possible.
