Dr. Strangelove

Dr. Strangelove, do we have anything
like that in the works?

A moment, please, Mr. President.
Under the authority granted me...
as director ofweapons research
and development...

I commissioned lastyear
a study ofthis project...

by the Bland Corporation.
Based on the findings ofthe report...
my conclusion was that this idea
was not a practical deterrent...

for reasons which at this moment
must be all too obvious.

You mean it is possible for them
to have built such a thing?

Mr. President, the technology required
is easilywithin the means...

ofeven the smallest nuclear power.
It requires only the will to do so.
But how is it possible for this thing
to be triggered automatically...

and at the same time
impossible to un-trigger?

Mr. President,
it is not only possible...

it is essential.
That is the whole idea
ofthis machine, you know.

Deterrence is the art ofproducing
in the mind ofthe enemy...

the fear ofattack.
And so because ofthe automated and
irrevocable decision-making process...

which rules out human meddling...
the doomsday machine is terrifying...
and simple to understand...
and completely credible
and convincing.

I wish we had one ofthem
doomsday machines.

But this is fantastic, Strangelove.
How can it be triggered automatically?

It's remarkably simple to do that.
When you merelywish to bury bombs...
there's no limit to the size.
