None at all.
Firstyousaid 100million dead.
Firstyousaid 100million dead.
Nowyou say 60 million.
I say 60 million is perhaps
the highest price...
we should be prepared
to pay in a war.
What's the difference between
60 million dead and a hundred million?
- Forty million.
- Some difference.
Areyou saying saving 40 million lives
is ofno importance?
You miss the point, Professor.
Saving those 60 million lives
is what's important.
Face facts, Mr. Foster.
We're talking about war.
Everywar, including thermonuclearwar,
must have a winner and a loser.
Which would you rather be?
In a nuclearwar, everyone loses.
War isn't what it used to be.
It's still the resolution
ofeconomic and political conflict.
What kind ofresolution
with 1 00 million dead?
- It doesn't have to be 1 00 million.
- Even 60!
The same
as a thousand years ago, sir...
when you also had wars
that wiped out whole peoples.
The point is still who wins and who
loses, the survival ofa culture.
A culture?
With most ofits people dead...
the rest dying,
the food poisoned...
the air unfit to breathe.
- You call that a culture?
- Yes, I do.
I am not a poet.
I'm a political scientist...
who would rather have an American
culture survive than a Russian one.