But what would it really be like?
Who would survive?
It's an interesting question.
I would predict...
convicts and file clerks.
The worst convicts, those deep down
in solitary confinement...
and the most ordinary
file clerks...
probably for large
insurance companies...
because theywould be
in fireproofed rooms...
protected by tons ofthe best insulator
in the world: paper.
Then imagine what will happen.
The small group ofvicious criminals
will fight the army offile clerks...
for the remaining means oflife.
The convicts
will know violence...
but the file clerks
will know organization.
Who doyou thinkwill win?
It's all hypothesis, ofcourse,
but fun to play around with.
Time to go home. I didn't mean
to hold forth so long.
I don't usually come to a supper party
and talk through to breakfast.
Nonsense. We were fascinated. I hope
we didn't keepyou from yourwork.
Not at all. I've got
a 1 0:00 meeting at the Pentagon.
Plenty oftime
to get home and change.
You must come again,
Professor Groeteschele, with yourwife.
I'd be delighted.
I'm Ilsa Wolfe.
We were introduced before dinner.
I'd likeyou to take me home.