I never flew the B-1 7, only B-24s.
The 24 was a good airplane.
You knewyou were flying it, not the
otherway around, like today's things.
You still have to fly
the Vindicator, Grady.
We're the last ofthe lot, Flynn.
Don't kid yourselfabout that.
- The next airplanes won't need men.
- You'll be too old, anyway.
After us, the machines.
We're halfway there already.
Look at those kids.
Remember the crews
you had on the 24s?
Jews, Italians, all kinds.
You could tell them apart.
Theywere people.
These kids-- You open them up,
you'll find they run on transistors.
- They're good kids.
- Sure.
You know they're good at theirjobs,
butyou don't know them. How can you?
We get a different crew
every time we go up.
That's policy, Grady.
It eliminates the personal factor.
Everything is more complicated now.
Reaction time is faster.
You can't depend on people
the same way.
Who doyou depend on?
All right, gentlemen.
The sky awaits.
You know something, Billy?
I like the personal factor.
Those are Vindicator bombers
ofthe Strategic Air Command...
on routine patrol.
Each one ofthose planes carries
four Bloodhound air-to-air missiles...
armed with nuclearwarheads.
Those are for use
against attacking enemy planes.