Then they take over,
they start creating situations.
- Not necessarily.
- There's always the chance.
We have checks and counterchecks
on everything.
Who checks the checker?
Where's the end ofthe line?
Who's got the responsibility?
- The president.
- No one.
He can't know everything that's
going on. It's too complicated.
Ifyou want to know,
that's what really bothers me.
The only thing everyone can agree on
is that no one's responsible.
Is something wrong, General?
UFO sighted
near Hudson's Bay, sir.
Whatyou're seeing, gentlemen,
is an unidentified flying object...
picked up by our radar.
Until we get positive identification,
we regard it as hostile.
What doyou do about it?
We've gone to Condition Blue,
which is our lowest form ofreadiness.
At the same time, we've informed
those Vindicator bombers...
thatyou saw in the air before.
Theywill now start to fly
toward their fail-safe points.
'' Fail-safe''?
Fixed points in the sky
on the perimeter ofthe Soviet Union...
which are changed from day to day.
The planes will fly to those points
and orbit...
until they get
a positive order to go in.
And ifthey don't get that order?
They return to their normal patrols.
In short, we can't go to war
except on an express order.
How do they get that order,
by radio?
Yes, and through a box we call
the fail-safe box aboard each plane...
which can only be activated
at the express order ofthe president.
- He has to tell them?
- Not directly.
His voice can be imitated.
Hejust gives the order
and the rest is done electronically.
No one can interfere
with the fail-safe box, Mr. Raskob.
All those new blips you see
are fighter planes...
going after
the unidentified object.
Colonel Cascio,
tight scale, please.
You seem pretty cool about this,
General. Does it happen often?
About six times a month.
Probably an airliner offcourse.
- And ifit isn't?
- Then it's something else.