That means it's at 30,000 feet,
going 525 miles an hour...
on a compass heading of 1 96.
Headed right for Detroit.
Sevenminutes to fail-safe.
Normal procedure, Mr. Raskob.
We start an automatic countdown
at this point.
It's very unlikely the bombers
will even reach their fail-safe points.
It happens one time in twenty.
We usually identify the disturbance
well before that.
Sixminutes to fail-safe.
What haveyou got there, Blackie?
Another UFO?
For a dollar, a commercial plane
or a flock ofbirds?
Plane. Offcourse.
You ought to give me odds.
I read your memo
on counterforce credibility.
I don't think Groeteschele
will discuss that today.
You think I should lay off?
Why open a can ofpeas?
We've got to discuss it
one ofthese days, Stark.
This whole policy ofoverkill--
It makes no sense piling up bombs
when we already have a capacity--
Just not today.
Good morning, Mr. Secretary.
- Won'tyou sit over there?
- Thankyou.
- Good morning, Mr. Secretary.
- Good morning, gentlemen.
- Everyone here, General Stark?
- Yes, sir.