- What comes after Condition Yellow?
- Green.
- And then?
- Red.
But we've never gone to red yet.
Red means war, doesn't it?
- Not an air breather?
- What does that mean?
Jet planes suck air
through their engines.
Ourwarning system can pick up
the turbulence this creates.
Ifa commercial plane lost power,
no turbulence would be created.
It could be a rocket.
Maybe on.
Oneminute to fail-safe.
It could be a Russian rocket coming in
low where our radar can't pick it up.
- Could it be that?
- It could be anything.
- How doyou find out?
- Our fighters are tracking it.
Can't wait too long.
13, 12, 1 1, 10, 9...
8, 7, 6, 5, 4...
3, 2, 1.
Right on the dot.
That's flying.
- Yes, sir?
- Go to Condition Green.
Tell the planes to keep orbiting
until we positively identify the UFO.
- That's their orders.
- Tell them again.
- You'll have to leave now.
- Sorry.
- That is an order.
- You've got the wrong customer.
The way I see, we could be at war
injust about two minutes.
You can't get me back to my family,
so I'm staying here to see what happens.
There's no place foryou here.
Ifthose bombs go off,
there's no place for me anywhere.
You want me out ofhere,
you better call the military police.
- I think it's coming up again.
- We can't wait any longer, sir.
Give me a tight scale.