What's our next step then, General,
ifwe follow standard procedure?
We already have
fighter planes in the air.
The next step would be to order
the fighters after the bombers...
to raise them visually
and divert them from their course.
What ifthe bombers don't respond?
The fighters would be ordered
to shoot them down.
Who gives that order?
You do, sir.
Thankyou, General.
I'll be back toyou.
Get me Mr. Swenson
in the Pentagon.
Swenson here.
Mr. Secretary,
I have a decision to make.
It's my decision,
and I'll make it...
but I want the advice ofyou
and your people, and I need it fast.
The president says he may have
to order our fighters...
to shoot down Group Six.
He wants our opinion.
I oppose it, sir,
on the grounds that it's premature.
Our planes have notyet
reached Soviet territory.
They're still hundreds
ofmiles away.
We got to do it
right now before it's too late.
It might be too late anyway.
Those fighters swung away from
the bombers when they got the all clear.
They've been flying
in the opposite direction.
- They're faster than the Vindicators.
- Not that much faster.
-I'm not sure they can catch up in time.
-They can go to afterburners.
- That will increase their speed.
- And use up their fuel.
They'll never be able to get back.
They'll go down in the ocean.
- We've got to try it.
- Suppose they do catch up?
Why do they have to attack?
Can't they signal?
Our men have been trained
to expect anything from the enemy...
even sending up his own fighter planes
disguised as ours.