He'dlike tosaysomething.
The more complex
an electronic system gets...
the more accident-prone it is.
-Soonerorlater, itbreaks down.
- What breaks down?
A transistor blows.
A condenser burns out.
Sometimes theyjustget tired,
Mr. Knapp overlooks one factor.
The machines are supervised
by humans.
Even ifthe machine fails, the human
can always correct the mistake.
I wish you were right.
The fact is,
the machines work so fast...
they are so intricate...
the mistakes they make
are so subtle...
that veryoften,
whetheramachineis lying
ortelling the truth.
Maybe this time
there wasn't any failure.
Maybe the Russians have masked
the real position ofGroup Six.
Maybe Group Six is flying back
to the States this minute.
Then what's on the board?
Northern lights?
Maybe a group ofSoviet planes,
up there to convince us...
- Forwhat purpose?
- As an excuse to retaliate.
Iftheywanted to do that,
theywouldn't need an excuse.
- They'dsimplyattack.
- This way, we commit our fighters...
our firstline ofdefense,
andmade uskillourownmen.
I disagree with that analysis!
We have to assume it is our accident
and not their plan.
I agree, General.
Yes, Saunders?
A report that the Russians
have seven bomber groups in the air.
- Is that unusual?
- That's normal for them.
- About like us.
- What kind ofcourse are they on?
Normal patrol patterns
inside their own borders.
They have an abnormally large number
offighters in the air, sir.
Almost halftheir fighter strength.
They're having the same problem
with Group Six that we had with the UFO.
They don't know what it is,
why it's there orwho it belongs to.
My guess is that
they know all about Group Six.
They saw it fly to the fail-safe point.
They've seen that happen before.
They know the procedure.
-So far, nosweat.
- And when they saw it fly past--
They sent up their fighter planes
just in case.
I don't think they'll take any action
unless their border is crossed.
That puts it up to the fighters.