They are calculating machines.
Theywill look at the balance sheet,
and theywill see they cannot win.
Then you suggest doing what?
- Nothing.
- Nothing?
The Russians will surrender...
and the threat ofCommunism
will be over forever.
That's a lot ofhogwash.
Don't kid yourself.
There will be Russian generals
who would reactjust as I would:
the best defense
is a good offense.
They see trouble coming up, they'll
attack and won't care what Mar said.
Mr. Secretary,
I am convinced...
when the Russians know bombs will fall
on Moscow, theywill surrender.
They know that whatever they do then,
they cannot escape destruction.
Don'tyou see, sir?
This is our chance.
We neverwould have made
the first move deliberately...
but Group Six has made it for us
by accident.
We must take advantage ofit.
History demands it.
Wemustadvise thepresident
not torecall thoseplanes.
They're flaming out.
He's firing anyway.
There goes number two.