Mr. President,
the fighters have not succeeded.
They'vegone down into thesea.
What are the chances ofour bombers
getting through to Moscow?
We've made the calculations
a hundred times:
what they have in the way ofdefense,
what are planes are capable ofdoing.
The Vindicators fly so fast, the Russian
won't be able to use all their defenses.
One or two ofthe bombers
will get through.
Buck, I'll talk
to the Soviet premier now.
You'll translate
what he says to me.
He'll have his own translator
telling him what I say...
but I want something more
from you.
- Yes, sir, whatever I can do.
- The premier says what he means...
but sometimes there's more
in a man's voice than in his words.
There are words in one language
that don't mean the same in another.
- You follow me?
- I think so, sir.
It's very important the premier and I
understand each other.
I don't have to tell you that.
So I want to know what he's saying
and whatyou think he's feeling.
Any inflection ofhis voice,
any tone...
any emotion that adds to his words...
I wantyou to let me know.
- Yes, sir. I'll do my best.
- I knowyou will.
It's all any ofus can do.
Don't be afraid
to saywhatyou think.
Don't be afraid all this
is too big foryou.
It's big, but it still depends
on what each ofus does.
History lesson number one.