l got this mirror from
Gabriel Lidman.
lt should have been in the
bedroom, so that l would have
something to look at
when l woke in the morning.
-Yes, that's what he said.
-Yes, l know.
Later l received something else
from him - a bit less rococo -
and now his mirror hangs here -
with you - in your room.
May l kiss you, Gertrud?
-lt gets dark early now.
-l should probably go.
l seek your lips and
you give me your cheek
and the door to your room
has been locked up to me
for more than a month.
l used to be welcome there.
l often lie awake,
thinking of you.
l've thought you might be in love
with someone else
and l've wondered who
it could be.
Damn it. Mamma's here.
Good afternoon.
-Good afternoon, Gustav.
-Good afternoon, little Mamma.
Those stairs!
Good afternoon, sweet Gertrud.
Good afternoon, mother-in-law.
-Come and sit down.
-Thank you.
-Mamma, you're late today.
-l was snoozing over a book.
Even when you're old,
you still like to keep up.
-What was the book?
-What was it... l've forgotten.
-Who wrote it?
-l don't remember,
but it was an artistic book.
-What was it about?
-God knows. l've forgotten.
Not that l understand what
they write these days.