What shall l say,
it hasn't been decided yet.
The Minister of State will call
at five o'clock.
Listen, let's not forget,
you have to have your money.
l'll get it.
Can't you get
your mother to go?
l've something l want to discuss
with you, something serious.
Mamma dear, unfortunately,
l have a meeting
and Gertrud has to leave.
lt's past four-thirty.
And l have so much to do.
Listen, you didn't get
your money.
-Thank you. Goodbye, Gustav.
-Goodbye, Mamma.
Goodbye, little Gertrud.
Goodbye, mother-in-law.
What's on your mind?
Something l wanted to tell you
for a long time
and l dare not put it off
any longer.
This will hurt you.
Gustav, l'll not be a cabinet
minister's wife.
What are you saying?
l no longer
want to be your wife.
Gertrud, what do you mean?
Remember what you said when
you gave me the ring.
lf the day ever came when one
of us wanted to be free,
then the other must step aside.
-Do you remember that?
-Yes, l remember.
l felt a little sorrow then.
l thought we should be together
our entire lives.