A woman loves her husband
above all,
but for him, work comes first.
lsn't that the nature
of the universe?
Naturally, it's a man's
nature to work, to create.
But work mustn't exile
the woman from his thoughts.
l feel this way often, as if l
have no husband at all,
as if l'm just atmosphere
for you.
What more do you want to get
off your chest?
That you, in a very
humiliating way, show me
how little l mean to you.
Am l absolutely nothing to you?
You never guess my wishes
or my thoughts.
Whether l am happy or sad
is completely uninteresting to you.
l understand your reproach for
being absorbed in my work.
The man l'm with
must be completely mine.
l must come before everything.
l don't want to be
an occasional plaything.
Yes but, sweet Gertrud,
love alone
is not enough in a man's life.
That would be ridiculous
for a man.
Perhaps it would,
but see for yourself
how little l mean to you
and how insignificant the void
becomes when l leave now.