Who is he?
You don't think l'd answer that,
do you?
ls it someone who wants
to marry you?
Perhaps l will sing again
as before and fend for myself.
Gertrud - Who is it?
l can only tell you that he
doesn't belong to our circle.
Where did you meet him?
Will you leave
and not come back?
No, my friend, but l feel
l had to tell you now.
We can speak again about
the how and why,
but tomorrow we have to go
to the celebration.
lf you could just explain how
this has happened.
Things are easier
when one understands.
What more can l explain?
l don't understand it myself.
All l know is that love
has me in its clutches.
And it doesn't mean anything
to you to tell me this?
lt's as if you're resigning
a position.
l have suffered day and night,
wondering how l should tell you.
Gertrud - l can't take this.