
to each other in a love-giving
and intimate life

together, in perfect warmth
and tenderness.

Let me cite the following lines:
''He held fast to her mouth,
''still deeper they sank
into each other.

''He felt as if he were
on a journey in space

''in the white moonlight,
a red star, first faint

''and about to end,
then stronger and closer.

''lt grew and enlarged into
a flaming well of fire.

''He burned without pain
and the flames

''swallowed his tongue
like sour wine.''

ln erotic ecstasy, people find
infinity and eternity.

This is the greatest part of
your erotic idea.

This is love without borders.
To this idea of love, all
humankind is created and called.

Two things for me
have always been

and still are more important
than anything else:

these two things are
Love and Thought.

You've spoken about love.
As far as thoughts go,
we should have courage
