Yes, please close it.
A Professor Nygren wishes
to see Mrs. Kanning.
-ls that you, Axel?
-l thought you were in Paris.
-l was,
but l had an errand here at home,
then Lidman. You understand.
lt was nice of you to come
on a sick call.
Yes, l heard you had a
terrible headache.
Look here. l have some
perfectly splendid tablets
that take away headaches -
though they're large.
-What kind are they?
-They're a Viennese concoction.
-From Paris?
-Yes, all of Paris knows them.
You can hold the powder. Could l
get a glass of cold water?
Of course.
l'll get it from there.
Professor Nygren is here,
go back to the celebration.
Fine, if Mrs. Kanning thinks so.
Yes, and l am most grateful
for your care.
lt was my pleasure to be
of assistance.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Just think,
l already feel better.
Axel, it is so good to see you
again. You have not changed.
Neither have you
the same magic illumination.
The last time we spoke
you were working on a book.
Yes. On free will.
l'm still working on it.
l'm glad you still believe
in free will.