-We hypnotize each other,
we experiment with thought
and we've found a lady
who has a sixth sense.
We're really happy
to have her around.
Otherwise, we discuss and argue
until we're blue in the face.
-About what?
-Everything possible.
Psychoses and neuroses,
dreams and symbols.
How l envy you.
Come to Paris and join
our group. You'd like it.
l'm sure l would, but -
That, that's the dream l had
the other night.
Attorney Kanning
has finished his speech,
so he'll be here any moment.
lt was nice to see you again,
lt's too bad you have
to go back so soon.
Good gracious.
Gertrud, you look better now.
l feel much better now,
thanks to some wonderful pills
Axel gave me.
-Thank you.
-Don't mention it.
The important thing is that
they helped.
-Goodbye and be well!
-Goodbye, Axel.
Hope to see you again soon.