Oh, l'm feeling old.
Can you tell me, Gertrud,
why did l come back here?
l was just going to ask you
the same question.
There was a kind of homesickness,
especially for one street,
a street l often thought about.
One spring day l walked down
that street and wept
in the midst of the sunshine.
Yes, l've often wept.
lt's not so bad.
lt eases you.
Let's speak of happier things.
You've come home a hero.
A hero? Yes, yes,
l dare say we're probably not
talking about the same thing.
ln the only battle l ever cared about,
l was defeated.
Gertrud, why did you leave me?
We shouldn't talk about it now.
As l said before, l was in
bad company last evening.
l ate lunch with an old
school friend and it ended up
with someone asking us to go
to a little party
at his girlfriend's -
-ln Florabakken.
-How did you know?
Oh, l've heard about her.
The city is not so large.
No. Well, l went with them.
Holier men than l have sat at
the table of a courtesan.
Well, what else happened?
Now l am curious.