l'd like to speak to
Professor Axel Nygren.
Axel, is that you? lt's Gertrud.
l'm calling to tell you
l'm coming to Paris.
You'll help me get registered
at the Sorbonne?
Yes, yes, l'd love to join
the group you talked about.
l'll write before l come.
What's your address?
Number 72. Thanks.
Goodbye Axel. See you soon.
There you are.
Gertrud, you've come
just in time.
l've agreed to accept
the cabinet position.
-Thank you.
-And from me.
-Thank you Gertrud.
You don't look well, dear.
You said you felt much better.
lt's nothing. l'm just tired.
l'll go lie down soon.
-You haven't eaten all day.
-l'm not hungry.
As you wish.
So you've become a cabinet
minister's wife after all.