
Good evening, 007.
My name is James Bond.
And members of your curious profession
are few in number.

You have been recognised.
Let's say by one of your opposite
numbers, who is also licensed to kill.

That interesting car of yours!
I, too, have a new toy, but
considerably more practical.
You are looking at an industrial laser,
which emits an extraordinary light,
unknown in nature.

It can project a spot on the moon.
Or at closer range, cut through
solid metal. I will show you.

This is gold, Mr Bond.
All my life,
I've been in love with its colour,

its brilliance, its divine heaviness.
I welcome any enterprise
that will increase my stock,

which is considerable.
I think you've made your point.
Thank you for the demonstration.

Choose your next witticism carefully,
Mr Bond. It may be your last.
