Shall I serve Champagne now, Sir?
What's wrong?
Magician, Magician!
That man drives me mad!
Makes me loose my sleep!
- And position too, Sir John!
That too if we don't get him!
Easy for all to say
that he should be found,
but nobody has ever seen him!
Oh yes, there is a person who has
seen him once. Inspector Warren!
Yes! He almost arrested him!
- Yes, you're right.
Oh, pardon me!
We must get this man to come here quick!
- But...
He has already retired...
- Nonsense!
As soon as Warren
hears the name "Magician"...
No visitors!
Just a second, Sir, I'll see who it is.
Sir, Inspector Warren!
Warren, this is just like you!
Just in time!
Yes, when I read
Milton was in London,