Yes Sir,
I will immediately give the order.
Yes! One of us has been killed already.
The Magician keeps his promises!
Who's going to be next?
You, I or Reddingwood?
I wish I knew the answer.
- Your name was next on the list!
I can't sleep, it's as if
something is going to happen!
You have a guilt complex!
- No, I don't want to die!
I haven't done a thing.
You blackmailed me into...
building the boat!
- You're a fool, Shelby!
Listen to me closely.
We're all in the same spot.
If you try to double cross me,
I'll throw you to the dogs!
No Sir, I'm not in the same spot.
I didn't commit a murder!
I'll run away,
to where nobody knows me.
I will tell everything I know!
Good Shelby,
if that is your position,
I'll see that you go!
Good, Mr. Messer.
I knew you would help me.
I'm sorry, it's my nerves!
- Where can I contact you...
at about 11 tonight?
- Let me see...
In the dockyard, there won't be
anyone around. I'll wait for your call!
Do you have the number?
- Here. Telephone box, Victoria Docks.
- 8-7-0-0-1-2!
So, you can take it easy, Shelby,
everything will turn out fine.
Goodbye, Mr. Messer and thanks!
I'll be awaiting your call!
Goodbye, Shelby!