- Velma!
- What?
The sheriffs comin',
Get rid ofhim. Hear?
She's not really crazy.
She just acts that way...
because people seem
to expect it of her.
You can wait in the car.
She ain't a-gonna come down.
You can't see her. She's sick.
All that dust and all that racket
from your machines...
has made her real sick.
She's waiting for Dr. Drew
to come and tend to her right now.
That's too bad, 'cause there's
a little matter of an unlicensed gun.
- I was hopin' Miss Hollis
maybe could help me find it.
Well, I reckon I'll just
have to look for it myself, Miss Cruther.
Mornin', Miss Charlotte.
Get out, Luke Standish!
You smirkin'Judas...
comin' around here
with your lyin' tricks!
You oughta be ashamed of yourself.
Papa gave you the first job
you ever had in this town.
Without him, you wouldn't
be Sheriff or anything else.
I know that, Miss Charlotte.
- That's why I'm trying to help you.
- Help me?
You had orders
to leave this house long ago.
If I'd been doin' my job,
you'd have been long gone by now.
If you are so anxious to help me...
why don't you leave me alone?
And tell everybody to stop threatenin' me
with cuttin' off my water and electricity.
I can't, Miss Charlotte.
What you did today
puts it right out of my hands.
Threatenin' people's one thing,
but shootin' at 'em's another.
I got orders now to see
that you're gone within 10 days.
They can hold up on the blastin'
they've gotta do...
and keep the men and equipment workin' on the
approach road on the other side of the river.
But if you aren't out of here
by the end of next week...
the county commissioner is gonna
have you up for criminal action.