Hush... Hush, Sweet Charlotte

- Keep the change.
- Thank you, ma'am.

You nearly beat your telegram here.
I know I'm a day early.
I hope it won't inconvenience anybody.

I just can't believe it.
- You look marvelous.
- What is it that you can't believe, Drew?

That I'm here,
or that I look the way I do?

Come on. Don't make fun
of an old man.

You know I never was any good
at expressin' myself.

Oh, that's not so at all, Drew.
You were always very quick
with your compliments.

It was just your intentions...
that were sometimes a little vague.
You all want this stuff upstairs?
I'll give you a hand
in just a minute.

I suppose you wanna see Charlotte.
I think I already have.
- Won't she be coming down?
- I think we'd better go up. She's a bit upset.

Well, there was a little trouble
here this mornin'.

Nothin' serious.
And, besides, you took us by surprise.
We weren't expectin' you till tomorrow.

There was a mix-up.
I had to take an earlier plane.

What kind of trouble?
Just plain, blind stubborn.
With her money, she could live anywhere
in the world like a queen.

But as it is, I'm afraid you'll have more
than your hands full...

gettin' her out of this place.
The three of us used to slide
down this banister.

I was always the champion.
We just let you win
because you were the youngest.
