And all I ever got in this house
was people telling me how lucky I was...
and your father always favoring you
and holding you up as an example!
Why wouldn't I tell him
that his pure, darling little girl...
was having a dirty little affair
with a married man?
You're a vile, sorry little bitch!
How was I to know it would end
in murder with John being butchered?
No, you couldn't have known that.
And you couldn't have known
that when Drew found out...
he was so frightened of having
his fine old name linked with ours...
that he'd walk out on you.
But Drew's still here...
and you're both still alive and...
and I'm still here.
But, John...
John never even...
John? John?
She is deranged, Drew.
She must be.
Well, no. She's certainly worse
than when I last wrote you...