Invitation to a Gunfighter

Women don't vote here.
You turning this funeral service
into a meeting, Sam?

Well, I've got a vote.
And I'm asking you, are you saying
we're not gonna hear Matt's side of it?

Dispense with
the whole due process of law?

How many here besides me lost sons?
Hands! Hands!

How many here lost husbands? Hands!
Due process of law, Barker, in wartime?
Until every last murdering Reb
lays down his arms, it's still war,

and we got a new widow in our midst
that needs our help.

Stint not, brother. Stint not. Give.
Give and it shall be given unto you.
All aboard!
You paid through to Santa Fe.
Found you a little life, huh?
Don't look for it to last.
How did it go?
Medford's gone for good
and Weaver's good as gone.

I'll take over.
You sure you want this side of town?
Mexican town's just over the wash.
