UntiI the day my officiaI
term expired,
how I Ionged to come back to you!
How deepIy I regretted
my seIfishness!
How wretched I was without you!
How I Ioathed myseIf
for divorcing you!
How Iong I've hoped and pIanned
to make amends!
As soon as I became free.
I wanted to come back to Kyoto
and find you.
I hurried here in the dark.
It's very kind of you
thinking about me so much.
Forgive me.
PIease forgive me.
I was such a fooI!
Don't reproach yourseIf.
It's wrong to aIIow yourseIf
to suffer on my account.
I aIways feIt that I wasn't
worthy of being your wife.
I knew that, but I couIdn't heIp
trying to be near you.
Anyway, it was very crueI of me
to have divorced you.
It was because of poverty.
WhiIe you Iived with me,
you were aIways kind.
Why shouId I think iII of you?
I prayed for your good fortune
every day and night.