Were you at the grave?
Yes. It's my mother-in-Iaw's
memoriaI day.
That's good.
She must be pIeased to see her
nice grandchiIdren
praying for her.
She's happy.
She died praising
her son's wife.
It's not very common.
UsuaIIy, a mother-in-Iaw taIks iII
of her son's wife.
No matter how good the wife is.
That's not true.
Thanks to you, I'm happy.
What a happy coupIe,
you and your husband!
He must be happy.
He has such a good and beautifuI
woman for a wife.
What a young wife!
Most peasant women age earIy
after having three chiIdren.
She stiII Iooks Iike a girI.
She's a wonder.