Why BaIzac and Money?
WeII, I'm a fan of BaIzac's...
and I don't despise money.
But aII joking aside,
that happens to be
the titIe of one of my books.
How about a book
on BaIzac and Love?
Why not?
There's a fuII house.
We'II need some extra seats.
- What's Ionesco up to?
- He's doing fine.
- We'd better go now.
- I'm ready.
- Good Iuck.
- Thank you.
As soon as I am through
with the introduction...
I know what to do.
See you Iater.
Ladies and gentIemen...
We've got a smaII probIem
with the microphone.
I present you Pierre Lachenay.
How about Iunch tomorrow?
Sorry, I Ieave at noon.
What a pity.
Look, it's Pierre Lachenay.
We hope to see you in Paris
very soon. Goodbye.