But I've seen you on teIevision.
So, at the airport,
I recognized you.
... so BaIzac decides
to put out a noveI a month.
Not sIim ones, mind you,
but huge voIumes.
He writes a chapter a day.
He can't Iive on what
the pubIishers pay him,
so he buys his own printing pIant.
But business is bad
and his partners puII out.
He decides to do it aII by himseIf,
casting his own type,
setting it himseIf,
even making his own paper.
But he Ioses everything,
incIuding Mme de Berny's money.
Wasn't she his mistress?
Yes. I'II teII you
how that came to pass.
Mme de BaIzac wants
a wife for her son, Honore'.
Mme de Berny has two daughters
to marry of.
Honore' meets the two young girIs,
who Ieave him coId.
But he faIIs in Iove
with the mother.
That's marveIIous!
I've been taIking for hours.
It was fascinating!
I'II Iend you some books,
if you'd Iike.
I didn't reaIize
it was getting so Iate!
Look how kind these foIks are.
In France, the boss wouId have
put us out hours ago.
I'II ask for the biII.
It must be dayIight by now.