I'm sorry I carried on so
about that paper.
It wasn't that urgent.
Besides, I found it
ten minutes Iater.
Let's go away for a few days.
We haven't been aIone
together for years.
Sabine couId stay with OdiIe.
What do you think?
A few days in the country?
Maybe. We'II see.
HeIIo, Mr. Lachenay.
How is Madame?
She's fine.
The menu.
- Did you wait for me yesterday?
- Yes, you were Iate.
What happened?
A snowstorm in Frankfurt.
I'm sorry.
Next time we're heId up,
I couId cabIe you.
Or caII my ofice.
What about your secretary?
It doesn't matter.
I didn't expect you.
Yes, I was feeIing bIue.
Here's a present.
You can use it to make notes