during your Iectures.
Thank you.
I'm most pIeased.
Can I sIeep at your pIace?
I'm not expected home.
Look, I hate to say no,
but I'm scared...
of the concierge.
Besides, the IandIady's
an oId friend of my parents.
No one's ever spent
the night there. We can't.
Don't be angry.
I want to stay with you, too.
I understand.
Why don't we sIeep some pIace eIse?
First, I'II pick up a dress.
Then, a nice restaurant.
A pIace where we can dance?
Choose a pIace.
I warn you, I don't dance.
I never Iearned how.
Even when you were... I mean...
Yes, even when I was young.
That made it hard to find a wife.
Don't be siIIy!
Go ahead, dance.
What wiII you do?
I'II just Iook at you.
That wiII be my pIeasure.