La Peau douce

50 francs.
Look at your picture!
Are you giving a Iecture in Reims?
No, I'm to present a fiIm AIIegret
made before Andre' Gide's death.

I accepted onIy so that we can have
two days together.

Look up the hoteIs in Reims.
The Grand HoteI's the best.
The sponsors wiII be at that one.
What's next?
Next, The Lion d'Or.
That might be risky too.
The MicheIet just has rooms.
We can eat out. Where is it?
It's pIace MicheIet in Reims.
A room for two.
Did you make a reservation?
Number 12 is a doubIe.

Does it have a bathroom?
We'II take it.

Any Iuggage?
I show you the way.
