Neamat stocKings
- Excuse me.
- I'm sorry, we're cIosing.
I'd Iike to buy some stockings.
I bought you two pairs.
There are compIications...
A dinner for me.
Then I'II eat next door,
but stay awhiIe.
they're aII waiting for me.
AIright, never mind.
You understand, don't you?
See you Iater.
My ticket!
Just buy one at the theatre.
Which one?
- The CapitoI, I think.
- But where is it?
Ask the hoteI peopIe.
I wonder why I'm here.
- You brought it back?
- They're too busy.
I swear that if it were me...
Come on.
You're at the head of the tabIe,
a Iady on each side.
Are you married?
I am.
Why isn't your wife with you?
My wife's home.
Oysters or potage,
take your choice.
Do you know Reims?
Any chiIdren?
A reaI interview!