La Peau douce

I'II answer you one by one.
I have a chiId.
I've never been here.
And you're Ieaving tonight?
What about the smiIe of Reims?
OnIy Andre' Gide couId get me
back to the movies.
Last time
was to see CharIie ChapIin.
To fix a cIock, he opened it
with a can-opener.
I first saw the sea
at Paramount.
Last month, we had Daninos.
You know him?

Not personaIIy. How was it?
It was awfuI!
Everyone was Iate, it rained
and my dress was a disaster.
- Was it the coIour?
- No.

It made me Iook terribIy fat.
The afair was a reaI disaster!

Don't worry if our pubIic
seems coId,

we never appIaud.
Did you know Gide?
- He seIIs books.
- I aIso happen to admire Gide.

I met him twice,
the second time,
shortIy before his death.

TeII us about it.
I'd rather save it for my speech
so as not to repeat myseIf.

As you Iike.
A young Iady to see you, sir.
Are you sure?
I'm sorry to bother you, but since
I can't stay for your taIk,

wouId you autograph this book
for me?

Of course.
My name's Christiane Duchant.
With a ''t'', that's right.
Thank you very much.
