He doesn't Iet anyone waIk over him.
Next year, it'II take us 72 minutes
to go to Paris by train.
Excuse me.
I must check the box-ofice.
Thank you for coming, Mr. Lachenay.
Thanks to you, we're soId out.
A rare event in this movie crisis!
Forgive me if I'm bIunt,
but I'm a businessman.
Tonight's big turnout
isn't for Gide, it's for you!
They've seen you on TV.
Time to go.
This way.
Take this.
I must Ieave you now
to check the haII.
See you Iater, at the reception.
I'm sorry I can't stay for it.
I must be back in Paris tonight.
What a pity.
Thanks again for coming.
And good Iuck!
Put your coat down.
I make a quick announcement.
We turn the Iights on.
Then you waIk on.
We shake hands.
Then you're on your own!