Go upstairs to the apartment.
It is time to fix lunch.
We are ruined!
You always exaggerate.
80,000 francs I have to pay
before the 15th. Is that funny?
And if you don't pay?
They will seize our property.
I will get a job.
What sort of a job?
Post Office or City Hall?
Why not?
You understand,
if I get married,
Guy and I will work,
and we will help you.
But, my little girl,
it is out of the question
for you to marry.
Take that away.
You're in my way.
what can he do?
Can he support you?
Raise children?
He's not rich.
We will live modestly,
and we won't have
children right away.
No, but one at least.
He is not the one
who will pay my taxes.
There isn't a penny left
in the till.
Sell your jewels.
My jewels, never!
What good are they?
You don't even look at them.
What if there's
an emergency?
What is happening,
isn't it an emergency?
Impossible! If I'd sell
my jewels, I'd feel...
stripped and naked.
Find something else.
Something else?
We have nothing.