- Hi.
- How are you?
- I'm fine. How are you?
- Fine.
- I heard you were back.
- I've been back for a while.
I'm glad. They told me
you were wounded or something.
Yeah, or something.
- Gee, you look good.
- Thanks. So do you.
Did you get my letter?
- How is your husband?
- He's very well, thanks.
He's working with the electric
power company right now...
...hoping to be office manager
in the fall.
- Right here in town, huh?
- Yes.
All your letters never once mentioned
anything about us or our future.
- Didn't I?
- No.
Since we never really had any
understanding of a romantic nature...
There's my bus.
I hope you visit us sometime. I'd like
you to meet Norman, my husband.
- I will. I will.
- Bye.