Have you seen her? Is she all right?
Did she ask about me?
- She say anything about last week?
- I haven't seen her.
I haven't either,
or heard her playing either.
- You don't suppose she's ill?
- No, no, I don't think so.
You ought to realize it wouldn't be
right for me to act as a go-between.
I understand, yes, of course.
I beg your pardon.
I thought you'd understand
my being anxious.
I do. And when I see her,
I'll tell her that you asked about her.
Will you? That's very kind of you.
I don't mean to embarrass you,
but it means a great deal to me.
- I know.
- I suppose you think it's foolish...
...rather absurd,
this attachment of mine.
I don't think there's anything
foolish about it.
- You don't?
- No.
Not even under
these grotesque conditions?
Well, still, it's possible to think of it
as a rather foolish thing.
She's so proud, you know?
Such a delicate creature.
And yet she allowed me to touch
her hair for a moment. You saw that.
You see, I really have
nothing else to live for.
So many of these people
have such extraordinary minds.
Such extraordinary sensibilities.
Too extraordinary, I think, sometimes.
This is not a scientific theory.
Maybe it's romantic, but I often
compare them to fine crystal...
...which has been shattered by the
shock of some intolerable revelation.
I have the feeling when I talk
with them, they have seen too much...