
- Hello, Dad.
- Who's this?

This is Mary Taylor.
Mary, this is my father.

- How do you do, Mr Rutland?
- A girl, is it?

It's alright, Dad. She's not really
a girl, she's a horse-fancier.

The track's closed. I thought if
I brought her to see your horses,

- I'd hold her attention a bit longer.
- Splendid, splendid!

Come along, my dear.
I was just about to have a cup of tea.

Oh, Mary, this is my
sister-in-law, Lil Mainwaring.

- Mary Taylor.
- How do you do?

Hi. I've seen you
at Rutland's, haven't I?

(Rutland) It bewilders me what any
of you can find to do at Rutland's.

Oh, dear! I think I rather sprained
my wrist this afternoon.

There 's sure to be droppage
and spillage. Would you mind awfully?

(Rutland) Strong, please.
No milk, two lumps of sugar.

The meals in this house
are shocking bad,

but I do insist on good
Horn and Hardart cake at tea.

You take yours with lemon,
don't you, Lil?

Yes, lemon for Lil, Mary.
Strong with a dash of rum for me.
(Rutland) Spinster's tea.
Mucking up tea with strong drink.

- Something sneaky about it, eh?
- What's your opinion, Miss Taylor?

Do you think old Mark here
is a sneaky one?

How do you take your tea, Miss Taylor?
Usually with a cup
of hot water and a tea bag.

(Rutland) Lazy habit, my dear.
I'll have quite a large slice
of that butter cake, please.

- Do you ride, Miss Taylor?
- A little.

Best thing in the world
for the inside of a man or woman

is the outside of a horse.
I shouldn't think you'd find
old Mark very interesting.

- Doesn't hunt. Doesn't even ride!
- Please, Dad!

I was hoping to lead up
gently to all that.

I'd even planned to show her
the horses first.
