A sweep is as lucky as lucky can be
CHim cHiminy, CHim cHiminy
CHim cHim cHeroo
Good luck will rub off
wHen He sHakes Hands witH you
CHim cHiminy
CHim cHim cHeree, cHim cHeroo
Rum diddly-diddly-diddly
Rum diddle-die
Rum diddly-diddly-diddly
Rum diddle-die
All right, ladies and gents...
comical poems suitable
for the occasion...
extemporized and thought up
before your very eyes.
All right, here we go.
Room Here for everyone
GatHer around
The constable´s
Now, how does that sound?
Hello, Miss Lark
I got one for you
Miss Lark likes to walk
in the park with Andrew.
Hello, Andrew.